Lady Duff-Gordon

In honor of Titanic soon to be coming to a theater near you in 3D (which I must confess I will not be attending. Id probably bawl my eyes out even more while watching 3D people sink and fall to their doom), it was brought to my attention that a well known British fashion designer actually boarded and survived Titanic. Her name? Lady Duff-Gordon or “Lucile” as she was professionally known. She was a leading fashion designer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was the first among British designers to achieve international fame, an innovator in couture and fashion industry public relations. Not only did she form what is known as the “mannequin parade” (first fashion show related event), she also trained the first line of professional models, and created slit skirts and low necklines, liberating women from the confines of stiff, stuffy clothing. She also popularized corsets with less restriction and promoted seductive lingerie. Her clientele consisted of royalty, nobility, as well as stage and film personalities. Lucile will forever be renown for her lingerie, tea gowns, and evening wear. Her legacy has been seen displayed in museum exhibitions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s “Cubism and Fashion” (1999) and the Museum of the City of New York’s “Fashion on Stage” (1999).


Truth Collection

While checking my Twitter accounts, I stumbled upon a message asking if I would share this with my readers and share I shall.

The Truth Collection, as described on the project site, is an international, casual brand “going beyond trends” while immersed in art, culture and couture. It’s aim is to take wardrobes from drab to fab with their “modern edge” and “art-inspired” graphics. How did this collection come about you say? Well, according to the story, the designer (the beautiful Kamii Nettles), much like most women, believed in a world a fairy tales where all endings are happy and that our princes will come. Unfortunately the prince turned out to be a toad and the way she coped with the breakup was through art and fashion.

What will you be supporting? The Truth Collection designers are now in the process of designing their very first cut and sew line and are in need of pledges to help with production costs. These production costs include things such as the purchase of fabric, production of garments, shipping, photoshoots, lookbook printing, line sheet printing, showroom rental and Primetime Emmy Awards Gifting Suites.

You can learn more about the project, read testimonials, and get a sneak peak into the collection by visiting the Truth Collection project page at By contributing to the project, new fashion heights will be reached and new fashion innovations can be discovered. The collection is breathtaking and worth pledging to the cause.

Cause Takeover

For those of you who may be aware or unaware, we are currently facing a new kind of slavery, sex trafficking. It is hard to fathom that nearly 27 million individuals are the victims of sex trafficking and prostitution. These women and men are regular individuals looking for opportunities to improve their home and lifestyle, yet became the victims of unspeakable circumstances. We must remember however, that every number represents an individual in bondage. These individuals are forced to endure rape, beatings and threats while servicing 40-110 per day. These victims also may experience sleep deprivation, emotional and physical abuse, residing in an unsanitary environment. Not only must they suffer abuse but are also at risk for contraction sexually transmitted diseases. According to the A21 Campaign, here are some statistic and more information about human trafficking.


  • Human trafficking is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately 31.6 billion USD each year. Specifically, trafficking for sexual exploitation generates 27.8 billion USD per year2.
  • There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide3.
  • Over 25 percent of sex trafficked victims are trafficked from Southern and Eastern Europe4.
  • 90% of victims trafficked into the European Union member states will end up in the sex industry5.
  • Tragically, only 1-2 percent of victims are rescued, and only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking are convicted6.

What is the solution? YOU! We can all do something to become involved in the fight against this injustice. Concerning fashion, (for all you fashionistas out there), the A21 online shop has necklaces and jewelry which promote sex trafficking awareness while supporting the notion that sex trafficking is wrong and must be stopped. I myself have bought the Key2Freedom necklace and A21 Because Wristband. They are worthy purchases without breaking the bank. For those of you who are attempting to practice the art of frugality, these are the purchases that are worth investing in. To learn more information about sex trafficking visit the A21 website at This website addresses the problem and solution as well as ways individuals can get involved and donate. Some of the ways in which I have decided to become involved is by writing this blog post as well as doing what I do best: writing. I plan on writing a letter to one of the girls at the Greek location. You don’t always have to throw money at a problem. You can volunteer your time to do simple things that can change not only other lives but even yours.

Next time you buy a fashion product or designer brand think about who makes it and where it comes from. Take this test to see how many slaves work for you. I have yet to take the test but will post the results later. Take it at








Key2Freedom Necklace








A21 Because Wristband

Digital Revolution

The digital age is ever progressing with the emergence of mp4 files, e-readers, and now digital magazines. I have been an avid reader of Nylon but was disappointed when I discovered it is not a magazine of choice on the Kindle. However, through the Zinio website, customers can ordered back issues, purchase digital magazine subscriptions while creating a library of reading material which not only saves the hassle of finding storage space but also saves unnecessary use of paper. Once a Zinio account is created, readers can select which magazine they wish to read by clicking on the read icon. Once the magazine has loaded readers are able to print, search the magazine, zoom in to read certain pages, view table of contents and use the right and left arrows buttons to turn pages. 

Zinio offers a convenient, economical way to purchase the magazines you want and storing them all in one place. Gone are the days where you must search all your magazine baskets to find that special issue. Lugging heavy magazines to your sleepover with the girls will no longer be an issue. They can all be found right in the palm of your hand or on your laptop. What is really impressive about Zinio is the ability to purchase back issues which are never available after their expiration date on the newsstand. Purchasing Individual copies of digital magazines as well as digital magazine subscriptions prove to be favorably cheaper with magazine issues starting at $3.99 and subscriptions only $9.95. This is also a great way to get your magazine fix and hide them from your mum who believes they fuel your shopaholic tendencies (which is not true). The one problem I found with Zinio is the zoom feature. Perhaps viewing a magazine is better in full screen view but it gets a little annoying having to move the magazine up and down to view the pictures and shopping descriptions under them. Seeing as I’m still new to Zinio I have much to learn and hope to become more familiar with it. Overall, a great investment.

You Want Me to Wear This?

I can honestly say I am grateful to have been born in 20th century. The face of fashion has drastically changed since the 1900s. While women of the past were constricted and limited to only a few fashionable options, women of the 21st century have freedom of expression. Women are now, more than ever, allowed to create art and express themselves through their personal style transforming from street style to evening style to future style icons. No longer are we forced to endure petticoats or hoop skirts and risk being burned to death when we got too close to the blazing fires to keep warm. We are able to bare all or keep a modest profile. All women have a unique style that adds color to the world. Here is a look at how fashion has changed over the course of time.

1900s: Women were required to have morning dresses, afternoon dresses, simple dresses, and evening dresses. Women were expected to dress according to the nature of each social gathering they attended. During the second half of the 1900s, rich and exotic patterns were introduced while skirt hems were shortened, skimming above the ankle.

1920s: Known as the time when modern fashion took form, women were liberated from the constricted clothing of the past and were introduced to pleated skirts, gathers and slits which allowed women to move more freely. These trends would also appear later in the future and be reintroduced to the public. Other sought after fashion items included flapper dresses, low cut necklines, lingerie (as opposed to the corset), below the ankle skirts, and conservative dresses.

1930s: Because of the Great Depression, thrifting was considered the rage and many women converted their old clothing items into new styles. Women gravitated toward flowing hemlines at the hips and natural hemlines. Nylon stockings became all the rage as more women were baring more leg.

1940s: Many women wore padded shoulders (I seriously never got the point of these. I recently purchased a Topshop dress which had shoulder pads. I wasted no time in taking some shears and ripping those suckers out) and knee length skirts while sportswear became popular as well, adding a sense of diversity in a woman’s wardrobe. Clothing resembled simple styles and the emergence of pants on women began. During the late 40s, Christian Dior pioneered the nipped waist, longer lengths, and fuller skirts. This, in turn, created a drastic feminine look.

1950s: The age of the baby boomers (when my father was born). The age where poodle skirts (sad to say I actually used to own one) and glamorous outfits, making their début on actresses Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, ruled. European designers made it their goal to present glamorous, more feminine fabrics and cuts to women all around the world. Emphasis was placed on a narrow waist as pencil and full skirts were worn during this decade.

1960s: Because of the sexual revolution, drastic changes were made to women’s wear. The early 60s heralded in the mod look which included shorter hems above the knee and fitted fabrics. Geometrical shapes and patterns became all the rage. During the late 60s (Woodstock era), those who opposed the Vietnam War and conveyed a sense of free love began displaying fashion pieces such as tie dyed items, bell bottoms, loose shirts and flowing hemlines.

1970: Home of the disco era (Yay?). The hippie looked continued, however, as bell bottoms and hip huggers remained popular. Maxi skirts blossomed onto the scene but only for a brief moment (funny how it made a comeback and today we are mad about maxi skirts and dresses). Miniskirts and hot pants rose to fame during this era as well. During the mid 70s rock glam heralds such as David Bowie and Roxy Music, contributed to the rise of glam fashion (Twisted Sister anyone?). Rock glam mainly consisted of glitter and high waisted pants made from various materials. The late 70s brought about the disco era as well as new wave.

1980s (my generation): An array of fashion styles were introduced such as gothic, pretty and the ever continuing disco wear. Madonna became a fashion icon as girls channeled her style through tulle skirts, lingerie, leather gloves and gobs of jewelry. Lycra became popular along with skin tight jeans, ripped sweatshirts, and leggings.

1990s-Today: Birth of the grunge look which originated in Seattle, Washington. The grunge uniform consisted of ripped pants, Doc Martins/combat boots, and flannel shirts. The 1960s and 70s experienced a revival as it made a comeback under the guise of the Alternative look. Hip hop culture became popular as women wore tighter clothes in the hopes of accentuating their curves.

Today, it is a free for all as women as allowed to wear whatever they want when they want to. We no longer have to endure the pain of wear bone crushing corsets, clothes that were not designed to keep in warmth or spend all our time donning 50 million things. I’m sure, however, that we all have endured a certain amount of pain whether it be through heel pinching shoes or too skinny jeans. We all have also gone through embarrassing clothing eras ourselves (I know I have). But luckily modern fashion has come to save us as there is a vast array of choices and options. Sometimes the selection is too vast and you get a brain cramp just trying to choose between one or the other. Women are now, more than ever entitled to freedom of expression which we convey through our clothes and personalities.

Oh Baby!

I have personally never watched Toddlers and Tiaras but from what I have seen in the news, they are becoming a highly controversial show. Fake boobs? Spray tans? Fake teeth? This sounds more like a porn show than a beauty pageant. I was horrified to see toddlers in hooker outfits and cone bras. It’s bad enough we have pedophiles and child molesters, but now we are only inflaming their lust even more by sexualizing children on tv. Children should not be robbed of their childhood, which will prove to be the most critical times leading up to their future. Mothers especially should be taken aback by their obsessive natures and question why they are pushing their daughters to be “tiny adults” at the tender age of 7. The mothers seem to have worst catfights than the children and this same trait will be passed onto the little girl and onto her daughter. It will produce a vicious cycle of vain, ill-mannered women. Are we teaching our children to be vain and conceited at an early age? I understand that many women wish to see their daughters married and have a better life, but in order to achieve this goal, beauty should not be the main objective. I can tell you from experience beauty only gets you so far and it usually doesn’t land you husband material. Girls should be brought up to be smart, intelligent sophisticated women who do not rely on beauty to manipulate and connive their way to the top. Creating children into sexualized beings is just as bad as prostitution if not pornography. Society says it abhors child pornography yet they allow shows such as Toddlers and Tiaras to remain on the air which shows young children in sexualized costumes, dirty dance performances and makeup/prop stints that adult women take part in. You begin to think you’re watching an episode of Jersey Shore: Kid’s Edition. It is an outrage how far our shallow society has misconstrued the true meaning of beauty. Now women view beauty in the form of Miss America or supermodels who have so many issues themselves we might as well watch a soap opera. I am not against beauty pageants and believe it can bring out a women’s confidence and strength (like in Miss Congeniality) however, kids should be kids and adults need to grow up.

Drama Mama

It seems that mothers becoming “consumer doppelgänger” (Temple University) of their teenage counterparts is now becoming a common occurence. Many teenage daughters are outright protesting against their mothers shopping in “their stores” as this is somehow seen as a social taboo in the adolescent world. Many women thirty and above are given less than hospitable looks if they are seen wandering the junior’s section of the mall. Should women beyond thirty be subjected to wearing “grandma clothes”? Is it a crime to still want to remain fashionable at the age of 40? Society has taken on the position that once a women has kids she should look frumpy, old and disheveled. The needs of her children are of the utmost importance. She should have no time for herself. Wrong! Though children are important, it is important for mothers to take time off and pamper themselves now and then. There is nothing wrong with a woman’s desire to look good and show off her good physique without being slutty and immature. While many experts see this as a damper on the mother-daughter bond, creating a sense of competition, I believe it can also bring them together. I always enjoy mother-daughter shopping experiences as we have appointed each other as our unofficial wardrobe advisors. We constantly ask each other “How does this look?” “Do you think this would work on me?”. There is a big difference between dressing like a teenager and the desire to be stylish. I have been in the women’s department and I can honestly say there are not as many choices to pick from. Most women’s clothing is baggy, frumpy and shapeless not to mention unsuitable for my small frame. Some women, like my mother, are forced to shop in the juniors section because women’s sizes are merely too big for their body type. Older women should not have to feel they are committing a crime by dressing in a fashionable, yet sophisticated manner, even if it means they shop in the junior’s department. This, however, should not give women a licence to wear anything they want such as short skirts or body bearing hemlines. Some fashion should be deemed inappropriate beyond a certain age and saved for the younger generation (though I don’t support the younger generation wearing them either). Should women be able to dress like their teenage daughters? Yes and no. Women should not be limited to merely the women’s section of the mall. They should be able to freely roam the junior’s racks if they wish without being subjected to a critical eye. However, women should take into consideration their age and what would be deemed age appropriate for them to wear. Style is ageless. Fashion is timeless. Society need not put an age on the label tag. Women can look fabulous without dressing like a teenager.

Model Disclaimer

From the time we are a little girl most of us dream of becoming supermodels. Little do we know, the world of supermodels is less than glamorous for most. Is it our social upbringing that makes up emulate models? According to various polls, most models were not regarded as highly attractive from the general public (so I’m not crazy). There are many reasons not to engage in model worship. One, they are forced to starve themselves or engage in outrageous dieting that may result in getting fired even if they are only a fraction of a pound over the ideal weight. If you haven’t heard, anorexia can lead to hair loss, missing periods and other nasty side effects. Much like Jean Rhys’s “Mannequin” (if you haven’t read this short story you need to get yourself acquainted with it) models are pushed and prodded backstage as they are stuffed and fitted into sample size clothing pieces and pushed out on display for everyone to view and critique. There is little regard for the model themselves as they are used, abused and treated like an everyday mannequin that can be man-handled and treated with disrespect. Many supermodels, contrary to popular belief, were seen as tall, lanky freaks who were mercilessly teased and picked on during their adolescent years. Their only place of acceptance seemed to be in the world of other tall “freaks” who walked the fashion runway, displaying on their bodies works of art. Most of their time is spent in a chair having others pull at their hair while jabbing them with make up sticks and mascaras. Because of this practice some models begin to experience thinning hair and their skin suffers from the vast amounts of makeup that is painted onto their face. Why would you want to be subjected to looking like a clown? Most models wear such heavy, outrageous makeup it feels more like a circus show than a fashion show.

This reminds me of a girl I once knew in high school who was a professional model. She starved herself most of the time and claimed that she had dyed her hair so many times that it was starting to fall out. A few years later I had a dance instructor who worked for a hair company and pursuing to become a Rockette. She had to dye her hair so many times that it started becoming frazzled and damaged. There were many accounts of backstabbing and bitter criticism among the other models and Rockettes behind each others’ backs. If you’re looking for a self-esteem booster and assurance, this is not the career for you. After hearing their stories I couldn’t help but feel pity for them as well as disgust towards the lucrative business of fashion and beauty that only convey to women that they are flawed. “You need to change” they will say. “You need this operation” they will say. I say “Who died and made you ruler?”.

For those models we see in the magazines, more often than not their faces and bodies are heavily retouched with state of the art technology. Women were not meant to fit one standard mold. Women’s bodies were meant to be curvy, not straight and flat. Note that some women are born without curves which we hold nothing against them. According to Darwinian theory, males tended to pick those with bigger breasts and butts. Bigger breasts meant a mother was able to supply food to her young child while a big butt signaled that she had wide hips which are more suitable for childbirth. How we came to the idea that anorexic is beautiful may forever remain a mystery. Models like Gisele and Coco Rocha are very fortunate unlike many of their other counterparts in the industry.

Image courtesy of:

Fashion Pangs

How far would you go to wear the latest trend even if you knew the potential risks it could have on your health? Would you risk it? Would it be worth it? Most fashion we see today is not designed in a practical way nor do designers have these concerns in the forefront of their mind. Fashion is a statement piece that we subject ourselves too despite the toll it may have on our physical body. They say pain is beauty but at what cost? I was first introduced to this subject when I was watching an episode of America’s Next Top Model. During one of the photo shoots, a model was forced to wear shoes that were too small for her feet and subjected to criticism when she didn’t keep an energetic vibe. After viewing this horrid display of unconcern in which models were treated like plastic mannequins my thoughts were “Hello! They’re too small for her feet! Can’t you get a bigger size? How do you expect a model to be happy and smiling when she has daggers on her feet?”. The fashion world sometimes can be very crude and impractical if you ask me. Fashion is designed and aimed at audiences that don’t exist beyond the runway. While it may be an artistic display of a designers achievements, most women would not wear half the creations in everyday life. Even items that are made for everyday use are not built for the everyday wear and comfort. Those high heels and heavy bags may look good now but eventually it will lead to a future filled with legs, back, shoulder, spine and neck problems. For those of us who love high heels, they may be the worst fashion piece of them all. Not only do they alter the natural shape of the foot but also your overall balance. High heels have been known to increase the forward curve of the spine while tipping the pelvis forward, therefore shifting the body’s center of gravity. Other fashion culprits are tight, body clinching outfits which restricts and changes bodily movement which the body must compensate for. Also, when carrying heavy bags that are more than 10% of your body weight, the body will become imbalanced, the legs and arms will be less coordinated, while the spine curves towards the shoulder bearing the most weight. For those of you who are college students, colleges are notorious for forcing their students to carry massive books to class not to mention extra materials such as notebooks and folders.

Note that I’m very notorious for putting my own health at risk for the sake of fashion but for the most part I try to be cautious of what I wear, otherwise I will later regret it. I never dress in high heels or anything fancy for college. Let’s face it. It’s college. Nobody really cares how you dress unless you’re going to a party.

Here are a few other tips to consider when choosing fashion options that won’t detriment your health. Choose wisely.

1. Purchase comfortable, long-lasting shoes. If and when wearing heels, be sure to take a pair of flats (Dr. Scholl’s Fast Flats are amazing!) to change into when they start to become uncomfortable.

2. If a shoe if only semi confortable when walking around in the store, walking in them out on the streets will be even more painful.

3. Don’t wear clothes so tight that you can not breathe or move properly in them (talking to you Beyoncé with you super tight mermaid dresses. she had to be helped up the stairs because it was so tight.). I know it’s tempting to show off your body or create the illusion of a slim body to impress a guy but in the long run you’re doing more harm than good.

4. Select bags that will allow you to distribute the weight equally throughout your body, or frequently switch hands and sides.

5. Remove unnecessary items from your bag that may prove more of a burden and weigh you down.


Zalando UK

While browsing my email box I came across an email from Zalando’s Online Marketing representative and was more than happy to explore the fashion site. While Zalando is the UK’s online shoe shop, don’t let the title fool you. While they’re main focus is shoes they also offer an array of clothing and accessories from different brands and vendors. These brands include Diesel, Guess, D&G, Nina Ricci and Tommy Hilfiger just to name a few. They have successfully create a website which can easily be navigated while providing a pleasant online shopping experience. Their shipping is unquestionably fast (“flash shipping” as their customers would say) while offering a wide range of payment options from Visa to PayPal. For those of you who currently reside in the UK, I highly encourage you to explore the Zalando link as well as my top 3 picks on the right sidebar. While they do not currently ship to the United States, there is always the possibility of this option being available in the future. As I’m sure you will find out, it will be difficult to checkout with only three items.

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